RADARCharts RADARCharts · 9 months ago · 386 views
David "Afroselecta" BBK is a producer, composer, and animator. He hails from Adamawa, Yola State, and is a graduate of the American University of Nigeria (AUN), with a BSc in Petroleum Chemistry.

Afroselecta BBK began his solo career as a producer-artist in 2019 and released his debut solo project, titled "AED," which garnered critical acclaim and significant success.


Hello King Afroselecta BBK, welcome to a special edition of TALK WITH US by RADARCharts. We are so happy to have you with us. So, let's know you officially. What's your real name?


lol, "David" is the first name, though.


We have to ask, what does BBK stand for?


BBK is an abbreviation for the family name. It means "father of children."


What motivated your profession as a producer and sound engineer?


God will forever take the glory. I couldn’t have imagined things this way. I thought I was going to study nuclear engineering.


What was the startup like? How did you keep up with financing and rejection by other artists?


It is a testimony and a humbling experience, starting from one step to thousands and millions of steps and more. Little beginnings should not be despised. God aided and provided for us through friends and partners who believed in and supported the process, even financially.


Rejection is not easy for any human being, but there are situations or scenarios where you will learn that it's nothing personal from other artists. We tend to gravitate towards who is known or popular. Once you learn not to take things personally and realize nobody is obligated to know you, it helps set your mind to work more on your craft and promote your work and yourself more.


What career path would you have chosen aside from music production?


Football. I thought at some point I was going to play soccer!


We heard you have a brother who sings too (Laxy BBK). Have you been part of his creative process?


Yes, I am his executive producer and I help manage him.


What's the biggest music project you've worked on?


Every music project is big for me! When I post, it’s me displaying my work and CV. It’s a testimony and testament to what God does and did for me.


What does it entail for an artist to work with Afroselecta BBK?


Working with any and every artist is a privilege. But these days, there’s a price (monetary level), and it keeps going up!

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