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State of Mind: Into the Verse began its creative journey during the 2020 lockdown and reached completion by the end of 2022. Originally envisioned as a full-length album, the project features meticulously selected producers to ensure a cohesive and innovative sound. "This project was initially conceived as an album. I wanted my first body of work to be an album because I believed my listeners and fanbase were ready to hear everything I had to say," Okal shared.

I motivate myself every day
Never ever been on a holiday
Don't know what it feels like anyway, anyway, ayy
If you know, if you know this feeling
Seems like nothing can do the healing
If you know, if you know this feeling
Seems like nothing can do the healing
Don't be surprised 'cause you never seen a girl like me before
Don't be surprised 'cause you never seen a girl like me before
This surpasses all expectations
Maybe because I don't see no limitations
This surpasses all expectations
Maybe because I don't see no limitations
Verse 2
So I take deep breaths
Although I'm tensed
But no pretense, no pretense
'Cause I got, I got, no choice
Than to use, to use my voice
Than to trust, to trust my guts
Than to trust, to trust my guts
'Cause I got, I got, no choice
Than to use, to use my voice
Than to trust, to trust my guts
Than to trust, to trust my guts
Don't be surprised 'cause you never seen a girl like me before
Don't be surprised 'cause you never seen a girl like me before
So right about now, nothing seems to be making sense right
Probably I have to ask myself the same questions over and over again
But who am I not to give myself a chance?
Who are you not to give yourself a chance?
You owe it to yourself, man
Yeah, you do
Give yourself a chance to shine

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