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Nathaniel Bassey - Hungry For You

3 years ago in Gospel
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Spiritual HUNGER is a Blessing!
Hence Paul cried out, I WANT TO KNOW HIM !
This is after so much revelations already. He never lost hunger for God.
Many misunderstand the concept of hunger or thirst for God. They say stuff like, but you were filled before. Why thirst and hunger again. Well, that’s because of the God to whom we have been called. He is inexhaustible. The more you have Him, the more you NEED to have Him. Hunger then becomes that drive and psi on for Him.
Even in the natural, when one is sick, they lose appetite and hunger for food. To not hunger for more of God is also a sign of spiritual lethargy. It’s a daily need. Just as we hunger and eat daily. Hence Jesus says GIVE US OUR DAILY BREAD. On one occasion the word says the Apostles were all FILLED. Another time, it says they were again filled.
May we never lose hunger for God.

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